This is the pile of books that has been collecting on my nightstand over the past 6-8 months. I'm reading all of them. I've only completely finished one of them & then immediately put it back in the pile because when I read a really good book I like to read it 2-3 more times to make sure I didn't miss anything. My reading pile continues to build & my reading time has become less & less. This is kind of funny to me because I don't have cable TV or Internet in my apartment and even without those two time wasters (because really, that's what I'd do if I had them). I am still able to distract myself enough with the 6 basic TV channels I do get & my iPhone.
I've been distracted and I've been busy. Like 12-hour work day a couple times a week busy.
Today is Ash Wednesday and it's time for me to slow down a little. It's time for me to put some of these distractions to the side and focus in on my relationship with Jesus, because at the end of this 40 days comes the greatest sacrifice & celebration the world has ever know--the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
And when I'm honest with myself, I know that a lot of days I don't live like I really get that. I become wrapped up in my own stuff...my own distractions and I don't bask in living in the freedom that comes in knowing and worshipping a living King.
So, I'm thankful that the calendar has come to these 40 days of Lent again. I'm doing some things very differently than my "norm" these next 40 days. I'm going to take more time to be still. I'm going to spend more time with my Savior and I’m going to attempt to tackle that stack of books that have been waiting for me on my nightstand.