Thursday May 2, is "Thank a Youth Worker Day" which gives me the opportunity to write a blog post I've been wanting to write for quite sometime but have continually struggled to find the words. I'll take a stab at it...
Over 2.5 years ago, I began as the Director of Student Ministries at Castleton United Methodist Church. I was excited at the doors God had opened to bring me back to Indiana and for the opportunity to continue to serve in full time student ministry. My years in full time ministry prior to my start at CUMC had been spent in Michigan and Mississippi. They were years marked with many adventures and joys and although I had dozens of amazing volunteers & friends by my side for those years for the most part I weaved my way through ministry on my own.
When I was hired at Castleton, the search team mentioned to me that there would be an assistant student ministries director that would help me with programming. This was a little intimidating for me to wrap my head around. I didn't know what to think about working alongside someone else in the office to tackle the day to day ministry challenges and preparations. I wasn't opposed to it--it was just all uncharted. So, in my weeks before arriving at Castleton in the summer of 2010, all I knew to do was to pray. Pray for whoever it was that would join me and the students God had awaiting for me in Indiana. As I prayed God always filled me with me that reminder that He knew what He was doing.
Fast forward to spring 2013...2.5 years of serving alongside Joe & Courtney. In these 32 months, God has taught me more about selflessness, loyalty and His love than I ever thought possible simply through His provision of allowing me to partner with the Garrison's in full time ministry.
Joe is not my assistant ministries director--he's the other part of a ministry team that I cannot imagine serving without. The Garrison's have become two of the best friends who have blessed my life here in Indianapolis. When their precious daughter, Carley was born this past October, I think my heart about exploded the night she arrived out of utter joy for my ministry teammates and the honor it was to witness God's provision and goodness being showered over them through the blessing of Carley Grace.
One of the greatest joys to me found in this team is having partners who are willing to sacrifice comfort, time & resources in order to point teenagers towards Jesus Christ. I'm truly humbled by their example. What a blessing it is to have Joe and Court in my life and the life of our church family as we are able to celebrate in all the ways we are witnessing God at work & continue to experience His answers to prayer. I'm blessed to have teammates for the hard days and the exhausting days but also teammates who make me laugh and understand that God made me in such a way that I cry...sometimes a lot. :)
God's plan and timing never ceases to amaze me. When I reflect on the past 32 months...I remain in awe of Him and His will for this ministry team...better than I could have ever imagined on my own!
So, I'm a few hours early in posting this but in honor of, Thank a Youth Worker Day, I just want to give a big shout out to Joe, Court & Carley! I love ya'll so much. I'm thankful for the example our students have in your family and for all you do to pour out into each of us.
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