Three years later, I am humbled at all God has taught me. I am in awe of His provision and His timing. My heart has been stretched and grown in ways I never knew possible--but in every way possible because of the power of Jesus.
There are 4,000 pictures in my iPhone from these past three years of ministry. Over the last couple of days I've been flipping through them. Each student. Each family. Each adventure. Each challenge. Each joy...represented over the past three years through these pictures reminds me of God's faithfulness and His desire to unify us through the greatness of His love and grace. I never knew I could fall so in love with a group of people. What an honor it is to know each and every student that God has brought into our path. I cannot even begin to express how thankful I am for the team of adults and families that support this student ministry. I am so thankful for all the sweet and loving friends God has brought into my life. I have been showered with blessings over these past three years.
As I have prayed over what God has in store for us next, my prayer seems to remain very similar to the words I whispered to myself on the long drive from Mississippi to Indiana three years ago. May we continue to seek His will in every decision. I pray that this student ministry would remain Christ centered...always. That we would constantly desire to grow and change to look more like Him and less like the world around us & that we would bind together to reach others through His love at work through us. I'm thankful for the leadership and pastoral support we have to guide as as we look ahead. I'm so excited to see what God has for us in the days and months and years to come.
happy 3 years!