I recently was sitting with a crying student who had been deeply hurt by a friend...or someone who she had considered a friend. "I just wish I was an adult and had friendships that were easier." Listening to the pain in her voice and her sobs broke my heart. I could not bring myself to tell her how adult friendships are not always easier...that at times the drama feels worse than middle school. Why is that? Why do we allow our pride, selfishness, insecurity, stubbornness to get in the way?
I was texting with a dear friend about the competition game and the popularity trap we often find ourselves on the fringe of--comparing relationships, success and lives. Feelings of entitlement stemmed with relationships not based on grace or forgiveness, sensitivity and love. Again, why do we too easily cling so deeply to silly things that just get in the way?
Sin creeps in and masks the simple beauty of loving well.
In ten years of full time student ministry, loving others well has been one of the truest and most beautiful gifts my students teach me and remind me over and over and over.
This generation of The Church is filled with brokenness and arguments over preaching styles, programming methods, carpet colors, office hour schedules, tax codes...so many things simply get in the way.
This morning before our confirmation service I watched 11, 7th graders huddle together and vow to pray over one another--to love one another well--to support each other--to have each others back. They did not check and see who went to what school or who had the deepest friendship history. They simply made the decision to follow Christ's example of loving all and loving all fully and extend that to each other. I'll never forget it. The gift of pushing everything out of the way to love others well.
On Earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.
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