For the past six years a part of my yearly faith journey has been to pick a word to funnel through my relationship with God for the upcoming 365 days. In past years my focus word was often a word that came to my heart right away. The timing was clear and I could almost sense what God wanted to teach me through my special word. Last December in 2014, as I began to pray about what was coming in 2015, I kept sensing the word peace. The first several times it came to my heart, I avoided it but in the end it was clear that this was my focus really seek God's peace and rest for any and all circumstances. The verse I have tied to this word this year comes from Jesus speaking from the gospel of John, Chapter 16: "that in me you may have peace." I have prayed for my heart to truly find rest and trust in the peace that can only come from a life built within surrender to Christ.
2015 has been a year full of change. A year full of unexpected. A year full of unknown. With that has also come much opportunity to trust and surrender in knowing only God can provide and protect in the ways I long for most. There have been countless joys and blessings every step of the way. These 12 months have made me realize that this is not just a calendar year focus for me. This is a season where I must continue to seek the peace of Christ and allow it to be my focus and filter. My worn Mudlove band may need to be changed to withstand another year on my wrist but the word will remain the same...for now...for this season.
"You will keep in perfect peace
those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you." Isaiah 26:3
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