small steps

small steps

Friday, December 11, 2015

Waiting & Expecting

Being raised in the church, feeling called to full time ministry at a young age and working in a local church for the past ten Christmas seasons has meant that Advent has always been on my radar.

We usually start thinking about it in our curriculum and calendar planning late summer. I love the Christmas story in the Gospels. I often study it again in July because I am always drawn to God’s use of those unexpected players in the arrival of His Son. I love the shepherds and their casted out, dirty job that was used in such a bold way to share the news of Jesus in the world. I love the faithfulness of Mary and Joseph as young people seeking to be obedient. It is not lost on me that Jesus entered the world in a humble and beautiful way and that God seeks to use each of us in humble and beautiful ways.

If I’m honest with myself, Advent has never been a season of waiting or expecting for me beyond my own busy calendar and ministry schedule. I have always held on to the fact that I love the story. It’s the heart of the season. Emmanuel, God is with us. But to really grasp the knowledge that these weeks before Christmas are to be a time of clinging to my Father for His hope---between the Christmas parties, open houses, musical performances, it never crossed my mind, mainly because I did not leave space or room for its meaning to do so.

The weeks of Advent this year have been heart changing. In the past month, my entire focus and heart shift has been about waiting, expecting and trusting God to show up with His hope. Instead of loving the Christmas story of how Jesus came I find myself feeling like I can relate to those who lived out that first Christmas. The sense that in the midst of what feels scary and impossible all I can do is cling to my God and wait for His timing. To trust in my Father who WILL show up always.

This is not a post saying to cancel your Christmas parties or clear your calendar. What a joy each of those events can bring and add this season. This is a post simply saying that this year I truly get it. The waiting and expecting have broken my heart as I seek the Hope that is to come. In the countless of times that await me when I do not understand or when I fill up my days with busy again I am clinging to the Hope that my Father will remind me. He will remind me that in the waiting He is with me and I can continue to expect Him to show up in the best ways I cannot even begin to imagine.

Thank you for all your continued prayers for my sister in law, Amanda! We are so thankful for such an amazing team of prayer warriors!! To follow Amanda and Andrew's family blog you can read at:

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